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Seminar "Lebenslauf und Motivationsschreiben"

Writing a motivation letter and resume is essential for anyone planning to study, intern, or work in a German-speaking country. These documents are not just a formality, they need to be properly written and leave a convincing impression.
On September 15, 2024, the seminar "Lebenslauf und Motivationsschreiben" took place, where we discussed the "do's" and "don'ts."
A resume is usually structured in a table format, not in literary sentences. On one side are the dates, and on the other – what the person did during that time. Pay attention to the photo: it should be a business-style photo, but preferably with a slight smile. Also, make sure that you can document everything you mention in your resume.

The motivation letter must be very well thought out and targeted to the recipient. By then, you should know where you are applying or what job you are applying for. This motivation is written specifically for each institution. Among other things, you should describe why you chose Germany, why this particular university, and why this field of study. The reasons should be both truthful and well-presented to engage the decision-maker and seem relevant. Avoid declarative statements and irrelevant information.
In the seminar video, you can see an analysis of the resume and motivation letter as an example.
Remember: "Bewerbung ist keine Schulaufgabe, es ist eine Werbung!"
